Florida lawmakers have been debating the implementation of a new bill that would require breathalyzer technology to be installed on the vehicles of those previously convicted of drunk driving.
This technology is referred to as an Ignition Interlock Device, which requires drivers to blow into a mouthpiece to test his or her blood alcohol content. If the driver passes, the vehicle will start. If not, it will stay put. Should the bill pass, the Ignition Interlock Device will be installed for six months on all first time drunk driving offenders’ vehicles upon conviction.
In Florida, some first time drunk driving offenders already have these devices installed on their vehicles; however, these individuals were convicted with a blood alcohol level of 0.15 or higher. The new bill would lower the blood alcohol level requirement.
While the Ignition Interlock Devices and the bill itself are attempting to save lives by lowering the amount of drunk drivers on the roads, the technology doesn’t come without its own set of challenges. One of those challenges is cost. The Ignition Interlock Device costs around $80 a month to operate, which discourages many offenders from purchasing them even after being ordered to do so by the courts. There are also ways to manipulate the device such as having a sober person blow and pass the breath test.
Regardless of its challenges, the goal of the bill is to make Florida roads safer in whichever way proves most effective. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, if more states begin to implement required Ignition Interlock Devices, thousands of lives could be saved and tens of thousands of injuries prevented each year. A decision on the new Florida bill has yet to be reached at this time.
If you are from the Tampa area and have been injured by a drunk driver, contact Tampa’s DUI accident lawyers at Lorenzo & Lorenzo. Our attorneys have the expertise and experience to help create a successful case. Contact us today for your free consultation.
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