This month in immigration, more cities opt for increased immigrant protection and the United Kingdom faces immigration reform after a series of terrorist attacks. Continue reading to learn more about the latest immigration news:
- Illinois CEOs and investors are seeking the aid of Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner in protecting immigrants. Recently, the Illinois Trust Act passed by General Assembly. This act is a bipartisan attempt to provide immigrants with greater legal protection. Rauner has yet to make a decision concerning signing the Trust Act, reports the Chicago Tribune.
- An increasing number of immigration judges are being dispatched to areas closer to the U.S. southern border in an attempt to further hinder illegal immigration; however, this increase in judges down south is taking a huge toll on New York immigration courts.
- As reported by CBS News, dozens of Iraqi immigrants have been arrested in southeast Michigan by immigration officials. Detroit residents have responded with protests, although it is still unclear as to why these individuals were arrested. ICE gave a statement earlier this month stating that “all those arrested had criminal convictions, including for murder, rape, assault, burglary, weapons violations and drug trafficking.”
- United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May desires to keep the U.K.’s immigration numbers in the “tens of thousands.” This is shown as an attempt to focus on allowing in skilled working immigrants at sustainable levels for the country.
- While it is becoming more and more difficult for skilled immigrants to come work in the United States, Canada is making it easier. NPR reports that Canadian tech companies are ready to take advantage of those workers who are disenchanted by the Trump administration’s stance on immigration.
- An immigrant-filed lawsuit against former members of the Bush administration has been decided by the Supreme Court. In 2002, the lawsuit was filed against former Attorney General John Ashcroft and former FBI Director Robert Mueller for accused racial profiling after the events of 9-11. The Supreme Court ruled 4-2 that the former administration members could not be held accountable.
To learn more about the latest immigration news, check out our other Immigration News Roundups on our blog. If you or someone you love is facing deportation or would like to legally live and work in the United States, the immigration attorneys at Lorenzo & Lorenzo can help.