Immigration and immigration reform are still hot button topics both on Capitol Hill and throughout the country. Here are some of the immigration news highlights from the month of August.
- In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, immigrant detainees being held in facilities along the path of the storm were moved to other parts of the state to avoid the destruction. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement released a statement saying that non-criminal immigration operations would ease up in the wake of the storm in impacted areas.
- Texas Governor Greg Abbott stated that undocumented immigrants would not be required to show an ID in order to access shelters from Hurricane Harvey. “[IDs] will not be an issue. What everyone is focused on right now is doing all we can to protect life,” Abbott said.
- A Pennsylvania community is reporting that immigrant children within their county are not enrolling in school for this year. The area has recently seen an influx of immigrants from Romania. The superintendent is working to make sure that these families have access to education for their children.
- According to the NY Times, President Trump has moved to disband the DACA program. DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is a program from the Obama presidency that allows children who came to America illegally to stay. It’s estimated that over a million immigrants may be affected.
- USA Today tells the story of a 22-year-old immigrant who has been detained by police despite having legal status. Riccy Enriquez Perdomo has been awarded legal status through the DACA program that was created in 2012.
If you or a loved one wishes to live and work legally in the United States, the immigration attorneys at Lorenzo & Lorenzo are prepared to help. Contact us today to learn more.