When you acquire a rental car, likely the last thing on your mind is having an accident. However, regardless of whether it’s your fault or not, a car crash is always a possibility. You might say that rental car crashes are even more likely since the driver may not be used to how the vehicle handles and they’re often driving in unfamiliar territory.
One question that often comes up when a rental car accident occurs is who pays for the repairs in such nightmare scenarios.
The short answer: you.
Depending on your auto insurance policy, and whether or not you opted for insurance through the rental car provider, the cost of the accident may fall into your lap.
Below, we will take a look at the different ways your rental car accident can be paid for and how each situation could affect you.
Buying additional insurance from your insurance provider
Many insurance providers give the option of purchasing rental car insurance as an add-on to your existing policy if you do not have such coverage already. This option is great if you use rental cars often for business or travel since it will only make your monthly insurance payment rise a little bit.
If you purchase this additional rental car coverage, your insurance company will cover the cost of repairs depending on your personal deductible and coverage amount.
Buying insurance from the rental car company
When you head to a retailer like Enterprise or Hertz to purchase your rental car, the company should offer you an optional daily insurance rate for the vehicle should an accident occur. If you do not already have rental car insurance, this is a good option for coverage.
Many opt out of the optional coverage because of the extra costs. It’s important to know that if you have a car accident without this coverage, you will be responsible for paying for the damages yourself. This can add up to thousands of dollars out of your pocket.
Pay with a credit card that covers rental car insurance
Some credit cards will cover your rental car insurance if you pay for the entire rental car purchase with that card. Each credit card will have its own coverage options and requirements for that coverage, so be sure to read the fine print before purchasing.
The hidden costs of a car accident
Car accidents aren’t just about repair costs. Learn about the unexpected expenses of a car accident so you can get the most from your personal injury claim.
What about rental car accident injuries?
If you or another driver is injured in a rental car accident, your own insurance policy should step up to pay for injuries up to your coverage amount. This, of course, depends on your individual insurance package.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, whether it involves a rental car or not, the Florida car accident attorneys at Lorenzo & Lorenzo can help. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us sort out the details for you.